Thursday, August 9, 2012

Module 5

Blog Post Module 5

For many years the DVD succeeded with little to no competition from other products. In today’s market there are numerous products that are giving the DVD a run for its money. Shortly after the DVD entered the market, the VHS tape became obsolete. The technology correlated with the VHS allowed viewers to not only rewind and fast-forward, but also choose specific chapters or scenes to view. This was appealing to many consumers. 

Like most people, I have a rather large collection of DVD’s in my home. I did not have to purchase or rent the DVD for the assignment in module 4. If I come across a movie that I would like to see I would more than likely look it up on a program like Netflix that operates through our gaming system.

The existing competition between DVDs and video on demand is not an example of increasing returns. As Dr. Thornburg stated “two innovations hit the market at about the same time and by chance, one technology gets locked in and drives the other to extinction, in a nonlinear process” (Thornburg, 2009). These technologies did not come into play at the same time. The DVD was dominant well before on demand videos were readily available to the public. I do not feel that one particular technology has over come the other; I feel it is a matter of preference and convince at this point in time. 

These two technologies have made the VHS obsolete over the past years, but in time I feel one technology will become more dominant. We have already begun to see the Blockbuster stores closing; however the small kiosks are becoming more prevalent.


Thornburg, D. (2008c). Red Queens, butterflies, and strange attractors: Imperfect lenses into emergent technologies. Lake Barrington, IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Thornburg, D. (2009). Increasing returns. [Vodcast] Emerging and future technologyDVD produced by Laureate Education. Baltimore: Author

Thornburg, D. (2009). Red Queens. [Vodcast] Emerging and future technologyDVD produced by Laureate Education. Baltimore: Author

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Module 4 Responses

Yolonda Lyons-

Brandy Collins

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blog Module 4

The Disruptive Power of Second Life 

Thornburg (2009) discussed that a disruptive technology are new technologies with the same operating ability as a current technology; however the function is superior to what is currently available. Disruptive technology can be dissected into two types; the first, a technology that does not create a new market, but changes the product, or second, a new technology that disrupts existing technology and makes it obsolete (Christensen, 2002).

Second Life and many other virtual worlds are considered the future of the Internet, while some view it as the next fad that is making our way through our society. So, how does one begin to look at this as a disruptive technology? Phillip Rosedale (2008), delivered a lecture on Second Life in which he discussed how he hoped the technology would change the way people produced and consumed information on the web. This virtual world technology will allow people to directly experience information, rather than viewing any abstract information.

Second Life, I do not believe is a disruptive technology now; however it is on its way to be. We as humans are instinctively social by nature, and when this technology becomes readily available there will be many that will wish to try it (Rosedale, 2008).

What technology or innovation did it replace? Second Life has the potential to completely replace gamin systems and technology. With the ability to access virtual worlds, many may see no need to play games.  

How many years do you think Second Life has left before another emerging technology replaces it? There is no one technology that is secure for any amount of time before the potential of another technology comes along (Laureate Education Inc., 2009). It could be as soon as next week or the Second Life technology cold be dominant for many years to come.

What are the social benefits of Second Life, and what might be the social implications of virtual worlds in your industry? Second Life can be used to encourage creativity, imagination, and diverse experiences (Rosedale, 2008). With this technology participants are able to experience things that are not available in their everyday life. In the field of education, students would be able to learn first hand through this virtual world, rather than viewing a video or reading text. It allows the content to be experienced first hand.


Christensen, C. (2002). The innovation economy: How technology is transforming existing industries and creating new ones [Video Podcast]. Laureate Education, Inc.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Disruptive Technologies. Baltimore: Author.

Rosedale, P. (2008). Philip Rosedale on Second Life [Video]. Retrieved  from _life.html

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Module 3- Heather Rogers

Blog Post- Module 3

Rhymes of History

It is built in our nature to possess a desire to explore the unknown, whether a group of individuals sail across an ocean, explore desolate land or travel into space. As society evolves we created ways for the average individual to please this desire, with museums, zoos, planetariums, etc. we are able to experience not so average every day items. Now, in today’s society technological innovations has played a vast role in the downplaying of these places (Laureate Education Inc., 2009).

It is evident that the average person in society will not experience an adventure into space. For generation after generation there has been an interest in outer space, possible because it can be viewed as the most distant form of exploration. When I was younger I would use a telescope or books to “explore” space, now there is a vast array of technology that allows for the same exploration in a more realistic state. Kelly (2007) discussed how the Internet evolves and as it continues to evolve we can expect a wider spread of digital worlds.  

The Apple application Star Walk is amongst the most popular space exploration apps available today. This application allows you to point your phone and see the constellations and other celestial bodies in space at exactly that time. I have used this application with my students on many occasions when teaching the unit on stars. It not only gives them a visual other than in a book, but it becomes real when they see the stars change with the seasons.

Kelly, K. (2007). The next 5,000 days of the web [speech]. Speech delivered at the EG 2007 Conference, Los Angeles. Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Rhymes of history. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Module 2- Heather Rogers

Tablet- Tatrad

        Enhances: What does this technology do that is new?
            The tablet enhances mobility, unlike the desktop and the lap top. With its application based system the tabled can be unique to your business and educational needs. With the tablet you can download information and books for easy and timely retrieval.
       Obsoletes: What does this technology replace?
           The tablet replaces school text books, books, and newspapers. With easy download they are available at the touch of a finger. It also eliminates the need to keep up with paper; if you are given paper the information can be scanned to the tablet and saved for future use, thus becoming “green”. With all its abilities DVD players and other methods of entertainment is no longer needed. 
                        Retrieves/Rekindles: What does this technology bring to mind (or retrieve) from the past?
The tabled bring to mind the use of the iPod, PDA’s and netbooks. The tablet is able to combine these tools into one easy to use piece of technology.

Reverses: What might replace this technology in the future, or what might it cause to occur?
I foresee a better tablet will spread and most brands will carry their own version. That way the consumer is able to choose what tablet will best suit their needs. A form of virtual reality may also take the place of tablets, where you would only need to carry glasses of some sort with you. 

Tablet Information:,2806,2358246,00.asp

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Module 1 Post- Heather Rogers

Identify a current technology that has emerged in the last few years that shapes learning or productivity in your industry.

As many of us began our education, there were little variances in the way information was portrayed. Teachers began with the use of the chalkboard, then the dry erase whiteboard; in today’s classrooms the interactive board has taken the way information is portrayed to a new level. Students can now learn interactively and along side their teacher and have content linked immediately to real world examples and information. 

What problems or challenges have been associated with this technology?

There have been some issues noted when it comes to using the interactive whiteboard. Just like any new technology, there are always new editions and upgrades to software programs that are meant to better the technology, but with insufficient training and workshops many of the teachers become frustrated and turned off by the unexpected changes.

Continual technical support is also a concern. With a variety of boards that are available, it is rare that there is someone available in the school that has the knowledge of the boards. With all the aspects of the program, install, and maintenance, it can be a full time position for an individual. I feel that it is a process for someone to become fully skilled to the point where they are able to assist others in technical problems.

What societal need does it meet, and what are its benefits?

The interactive white board allows, not only educators, but corporate members to present information in an engaging and interactive way. I feel that with all the technology that is available for students, it only makes sense to have similar technology in their learning environment. Interactive whiteboards also allow students to explore learning by allowing them to manipulate or figure out concepts rather than having the teacher hand over the information. Students begin to take responsibility and gain interest in their learning, and most important from a student’s point of view… it makes learning fun.

What would make this technology even better, avoiding the pitfalls you identified?

The technology itself is solid. I do feel that if the interactive boards are utilized there should be introductory training about all the aspects and abilities of the boards. I also think it is imperative to have an individual trained or hired with whiteboard expertise readily available in the school or business. With any technology, there are always glitches and questions. It does not doe anyone good, if those questions cannot be answered. After the initial training, it is going to be crucial to maintain training as the software programs are updated and changed. 

Interactive Whiteboard Link